Q. Does Eaglesoft use other than Navigraph Navigation Database specific build for Eaglesoft Aircraft?
A. No. All Eaglesoft Corporate Aviation Aircraft designated V2.0 [Generation Two] use ONLY Navigraph specific for Eaglesoft Navdata Database for its Navigation!
Note: On 11/20/2020 the decision to move to Real Nav DB for the future catalog of 64 Bit Projects was announced.
Note: For best results with Flight Plans which contain Departure and Arrival Procedures [SIDS/STARS] Eaglesoft recommends the latest Eaglesoft DB Update Cycle from Navigraph be present on user machines.
To date no Eaglesoft Aircraft uses updateable DB except our Corporate Jets designated V2.0 [Generation Two]
Their newest FMS Data Manager makes this task an easy one to complete.
FMS Data Manager: https://navigraph.com/FmsDataManager.aspx
Eaglesoft Data: https://navigraph.com/downloads
Manual Installation Eaglesoft Files: https://navigraph.com/FMSDataManualInstall.aspx
Eaglesoft Simulations and Navigraph
Eaglesoft Simulations and Navigraph
Best Regards,
Ronald Hamilton ASEL
Ronald Hamilton ASEL